LearnToRealEstate.com is not a real estate school and is not affiliated with any formal real estate education system. We provide tools, resources, and information that we have found helpful for real estate agents and those aspiring to become agents. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.
Keller Successful Career Opportunities in Real Estate (KSCORE) and Keller Williams Realty, Inc. (collectively, “KW”) does not offer pre-licensing (PL) and continuing education (CE) courses in any state; Kaplan Real Estate Education is the state-approved education provider and developer of pre-licensing and continuing education courses. KW encourages individuals to pursue a career in real estate by funding their pre-licensing courses. Please find Kaplan’s specific state approval information here. In Iowa, KSCORE offers financial assistance for 60 PL course-hours; the student must pay for any additional required PL course-hours. TREC Provider #4546 (PL) and #31 (CE). Any questions regarding PL and CE course content or technology should be directed to Kaplan Real Estate Education. Each Keller Williams Office is independently owned and operated.
Learntorealestate.com is not part of Keller Williams, however it has found some of its programs and resources useful and will encourage their usage for educational and professional growth purposes. Learntorealestate.com does not guarantee any results.